by LE | Jun 25, 2018 | Lindemann Engineering
This one is getting better brakes.
by LE | Jun 6, 2018 | Lindemann Engineering
It is our right. It is our privilege. It is our duty.
by LE | May 18, 2018 | Lindemann Engineering
“It takes a mile to walk around this car.”
by LE | Apr 12, 2018 | Lindemann Engineering
I now have a good work space inside the race car shop/machine shop and am working through three current jobs. Being open only on Tuesdays limits the amount of work I can take. I’ll do my best to give real time estimates to your emailed inquiries.
by LE | Mar 17, 2018 | Lindemann Engineering
My fine four- fendered friend. When you need carb work, give the job to the old guy, me. Only 75 of these were ever made.