by LE | Feb 11, 2019 | Lindemann Engineering
I added this brake rod length adjuster so the pedal can be moved to or from the driver. The nice touch is adding a tool size note for the person who wiggles under the car to make the adjustment.
by LE | Dec 23, 2018 | Lindemann Engineering
I’m working on a new Crawford F-3. The turbo brace needed to be in the same place as the water pipe so they passed the pipe through the brace, nice weld too. The car looks super racy and it is but but it’s just a stock street car engine with a strong tran...
by LE | Dec 2, 2018 | Lindemann Engineering
The Formula car has a cracked exhaust and the ’49 Cadillac’s passenger window wants attention.
by LE | Oct 13, 2018 | Lindemann Engineering
In the race car world you need long levels to set up your scales pad. This is a raised platform you drive a car onto with a scale under each wheel. It is also a good place to take your geometry measurements. I stack our levels like a pyramid. This is Wrong On Every...
by LE | Sep 16, 2018 | Lindemann Engineering
Dennis sent a question: Perhaps you can help me with my question. We used to road race our modified RD-350s down in Florida back in the 70s and 80s. All of the Yamaha ring sets for the RD included a thin, flexible octagonal shaped “ring expander” to fit...