(909) 838-4587 ed [at] le-suspension.com

We are very happy to announce that Lindemann Engineering has agreed to sponsor Kenny as he moves into 125 GP racing in 2012. Lindemann will be handling suspension setup, configuration, tuning, and repair on our Honda RS125 motorcycles. In addition, owner Ed Sorbo brings a wealth of knowledge and four decades of racing experience to our team. We are very proud and honored to work with such a capable person and company.

Suspension tuning is something that we do not have much experience with. During five years of mini racing, most of Kenny’s motorcycles either had no suspension, or were very limited in how they could be adjusted. 125 GP motorcycle suspensions have a huge range of adjustability, and if not properly set up they can be very difficult to ride. Knowing our limitations in this area, I was very concerned about how we would fare.

Lindemann Engineering has already rebuilt and revalved the forks and shocks on all of our motorcycles, ensuring that they are all properly configured for Kenny’s weight. After a little track time this weekend, Ed was able to get our suspensions perfectly dialed in. Despite all the stress of moving up to the big leagues this year, I can honestly say that I have zero stress about our suspension setup. It’s a great relief to know that no matter what, that aspect of our motorcycles will always be ready to go.

Thank you Lindeman Engineering!

Eric Anderson
Father of Kenny Anderson #12