(909) 838-4587 ed [at] le-suspension.com

We had 13 suspension adjustment clients today with MotoYard at Willow Springs.   They are all happy!

One guy took 7 seconds off his lap time, onother took 3 seconds off.

One guy was not sure I was worth 50 bucks, after all, he already paid someone else $30 to do the same thing.   After watching what I did for his friends bike, he hired me anyway.   When I asked him later if it was worth it he said, YES!

One guys steering head bearings were so loose the whole front end flopped back and forth when I bounced on the bike, fixed that too.

Their tires had less wear.

They went faster with less risk.

Lindemann Engineering and EDventure Racing, we make riding your bike in the sunshine even better!