(909) 838-4587 ed [at] le-suspension.com
WP Sale

WP Sale


This new WP 3-Way fit’s a ‘01 – ’03 GSXR 600 and a ‘00 – ‘03 GSXR750. $750 includes the correct spring for your weight.

WP Sale

WP Sale


This new WP 3-Way fit’s a ‘99 – ’00 CBR600RR. $750 includes the correct spring for your weight.

Used Penske

Used Penske

03 ZX6R

This used Penske 3-Way fit’s a ’95 – ‘04 ZX6-R. $750 includes a rebuild, re-valve and the correct spring for your weight.

Totally Right

Tomasz brought me his R-1 to help set it up for the Pikes Peak race. We did his forks and shock plus geometry.

We did follow up work helping him dial in and understand set-up before he headed of for the clouds.

Cell calls from the mountain for advice resulted in this nice text message after he took 5th in his class and 9th overall out of 90 bikes.

“btw you were totally right about the shock!”

Like most people I enjoy being right about anything but being “Totally Right” is even better.

Great job Tomasz!


Joe sent me his Buell 1125R forks for the full treatment, rebuild, re-valve and stronger springs, $560. He sent me this message after taking it to the track:

Hi, Ed
I wanted to let you know that I finally had an opportunity to track the rebuilt forks on my Buell. Man! What a difference! The bike handles SO MUCH BETTER!

Great work!


The term, so much better, could have many meanings but I think we all know what “SO MUCH BETTER!” means.

Thanks Joe.

Crash # 36

Crash # 36

crash 3 

Crash number 36 is the 3rd time ever that I crashed a F-1. On the right side the rear set, bar and tail are damaged. On the left just scuffs on the body work.

Tasty Chicken

Tasty Chicken

 Broaster body work 

This set of new ‘11 to ‘13 GSXR 600 body work was used for one show. $700 takes it all including the tank.


Iceman Ninja

Iceman Ninja

 Before with parts

This is the 250 Ninja that Eric was building for Kenny to race. The body work is being painted with Kenny’s design. I’m putting it together and will be racing it soon in gear that will match the new paint. Eric may race it too.

Stay tuned to watch the progress.



F1 & MRX tail 

The clock on the wall says eleven pm. The 900RR front end is ready. A bunch of other small jobs are done, mostly reducing weight. Check out the nice superbike tail. Less weight. No longer have to remove the tail to take the lowers off. Nice new white paint. Recognize it? It’s from a Fischer MRX.




MG really likes his energy drinks. He left these two Monsters and the little cooler bag in my trailer at Willow this past Sunday.

MG, if you ever want to see your drinks again you will bring to me a large ice tea in a cup with ice and a straw at the next MWGP event at Streets Backwards.

If you don’t I, these two Monsters may come to harm.

Contact Us

33175 Temecula Parkway
STE A-413
Temecula, CA 92592
(909) 838-4587