(909) 838-4587 ed [at] le-suspension.com

6 Seconds!

Reza was not having fun on his ill handling RC-51. In fact he was getting ready to go home when his friend brought him to see me. I bounce on his bike and said I could make him 6 seconds faster. Reza signed up with Lindemann Engineering and I adjusted his clickers.

Reza enjoyed his next ride. Reza walked over to see MotoYard’s Hennery to see his transponder times. He went 6 seconds faster! Reza is happy.

How much would pay to go 6 seconds faster? The LE record is 13 seconds faster. The LE average is 4 seconds. The price is $50 for a day of suspension tuning. When Reza sends me his suspension for improvement he gets a $50 discount.

Can Lindemann Engineering really make you faster while taking less risk and make your tires last longer? Yes, just ask Reza.

$980 to rebuild, re-valve and re-spring the forks and shock on your Sportbike.

Reading Glasses

Reading Glasses


My wife caught me going over notes in my shop wearing my Mystery School shirt. Note the two pairs of old man reading glasses hanging from the neck of said shirt but not on my face. Yes, both tool boxes are full.


GSX-R600 Forks for sale

GSX-R600 Forks for sale


Rebuilt forks from a GSXR600. 45mm upper tubes. One tube has a dip at the bottom 3-clamp. You can use the tube as is or I can replace it for you when I install springs and valving to match you and whatever bike you want to put them on. My work is worth $560. The forks are worth something less than retail. I’ll take $700 for them.


Bench Racing

At the end of the day today two guys were talking about their riding under shaded provided by Lindemann Engineering.  One was a client the other was a friend of my client.  The friend was faster early but my client was faster at the end of the day.  The line I want to share with you was what my client said to his friend.  He pointed at me and said, “You should have paid him fifty bucks.”

11 happy clients and at least one person who I except to see at his next MotoYard.com Track Day.


After shipping Andy’s rebuilt, re-valved and re-sprung forks back to him I sent him an e mail to make sure he got them.  This is his responses:

“Got it, installed it and its awesome!! Thank you so much for everything!”


Shocking R-6!

Shocking R-6!


I met Kevin, the owner of this shock at a MotoYard.com track day.  Kevin has a popular aftermarket shock on his ‘08 R-6.  I adjusted that shock to do it’s best but a weak spring with too much pre-load even with the adjuster backed off all the way and very little compression damping limits what I can do at the track.

Kevin was surprised when I told him that his stock shock is better than most aftermarket shocks and that I could make it perfect.

$420 to rebuild, re-valve and re-spring this shock.  I start with the correct rate spring for your weight, not the correct rate according to your buddy.  Then I add the correct amount of pre-load, again I use Jim Lindemann’s system here not what some guy on the internet said.  Then I fix the high speed compression adjuster so it has a useful range.  Then I change the valve stacks to get any damping curve I want.

The best thing about these R-6 shocks is the high speed compression adjuster.  It’s the same as on the R-6 forks.  After I fix the range of adjustment you have a stock shock (and forks) that have a working high speed compression adjuster.  Being able to change the high speed damping is almost as good as re-valving and you can do it with a wrench!

High speed damping comes into play when the forks or shock move fast like on a bump.  Low speed damping is for when they move slow like leaning into a turn.

Kevin and I will install this shock back on his bike this Friday afternoon at Streets of Willow and he will race with it on Friday with Moto West GP.

Sure I could re-spring and re-valve his aftermarket shock but even then it would not have a high speed compression adjuster.

Some aftermarket shocks are great.  Penske builds their shocks to order using the correct rate springs and they have good damping curves.

Cix Approved

Cix Approved


You know Cix because you saw her in “Roadracing World.”  Here she is poising with Greg’s rebuilt, re-valved and re-sprung forks.  As well as his rebuilt, re-valved an re-sprung, used Penske 3-way.  I know this guy in Hawaii, little guy with a big name, who had this shock on his bike years ago.  Can you believe he saved the manual that came with the Penske?  Racers are all the same.

Wash Table

Wash Table

wash table

Now I can clean stuff without bending down. Getting too old for that. The best part about my new wash table is that I used up a bunch of scrap lumber that was taking up space so it only cost me a little labor and reduced the mess.

Yes, this does mean that your forks and shocks are dirty when you send them to me.

Jack’s NSR

Jack’s NSR

Jack's NSR

Jack’s NSR250 won’t be going anywhere, at lest till it gets it’s legs back tomorrow. It’s only $50 extra if you give me your whole bike. I can pick it up at any MotoYard track day or race and return it to you at the next event or you can bring it to me by appointment.

Contact Us

33175 Temecula Parkway
STE A-413
Temecula, CA 92592
(909) 838-4587