Brian sent us his ’07 Ninja 250 forks after his friend rode it and told him the front end was so bad it was dangerous. We installed new stronger spring, thicker oil c
Got the new forks on the bike this evening after work. Wow. People kept telling me that it would be like a whole different bike but I wasn’t really able to conceptualize exactly how the bike would perform.Â
I rode for about an hour after I got everything put back to gather to shake everything out and was nothing short of amazed. I realize now that I had been using my biceps to soak up the energy that the forks and springs should have
been handling.
Knowing how the bike feels now as compared to how I had been riding around I agree with my friend’s assessment that it was downright dangerous.
Thanks for the hard work and if I meet any one else with the same issues I’ll send them your way.